People speak sometimes about the "bestial" cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to beasts, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel. - Dostoyevsky 总感觉少点什么,好似戛然而止了,很多幸存者离去了,留下的到底是为了什么在奋斗呢?正义?和平未来?可是随身携带的trauma怎么办,看着幸存者们口述的痛苦和煎熬,不免还是挺心疼的。anyway想去看看留有弹孔的雕像们。
演技上的高潮迭起,巨大的体量下,奈何掩盖不了故事上的无奇平淡,以至于隔三差五看下来,最惊艳的还是声音——无论是交响乐的恢宏,抑或是夜间神经质的鸣响。 "Don't be so eager to be offended. The narcissism of small difference leads to the most boring conformity."最终被拉下所谓神坛,锋芒不再,人性永恒,徒劳证明时,又何尝不是被冒犯的激进?
so glad Pepper the cow was going to live…the farmers combat not only nature, but the rules and regulations of the government, they are basically struggling…