10.0杰瑞米·雷纳,海莉·斯坦菲尔德,托尼·达尔顿,维拉·法米加,弗洛伦丝·皮尤,阿拉夸·考克斯,弗拉·菲,彼得·亚当奇克,文森特·多诺费奥,琳达·卡德里尼,艾娃·罗素,阿莱克斯·潘诺维奇,布莱恩·达西·詹姆斯,扎恩·迈克拉农,卡洛斯·纳瓦罗,凯德·伍德沃德,罗伯特·沃克·布兰乔德,西蒙·卡洛,伊万·姆巴科普,约翰·克劳,巴里·J·雷克利夫,Shaun Lynch,亚当·帕斯考,Clayton English
mmm... well... it's a little messy initially, but the ending is somehow good, it's apparently out of a female director for being delicate, lizzie is a failure at work, yet a good mother in life. dna test is a good plot, indicating the mother's persistence, thus dragging out the happy ending, i can say it's the maternity that made it so, after all, they're mothers aren't they? 6.0