看谁往桥下吐痰吐的最远………一群无忧无虑的[哔][哔][哔] i love me mom倒是把我眼泪看出来了…不夸张地在离开家返校的火车上
比第一季还无聊…白人拍的讽刺白人富人的剧,讽刺来讽刺去不就是那些东西吗,第一季还讽刺得好看些,到第二季就只剩下虚伪婚姻之类的陈词滥调。那个小助理真的,在西西里海滩边晒着太阳还说什么“世界很无趣,所有人去同一个景点拍同样的照片”,这也太first world problem了……真的太白了,受不了,谁管你们有什么毛病啊。拍个电影差不多得了
I’m so glad this movie did not disappoint! I think the movie expanded the dialogue as well as centered the focus of the topics. The car scenes are so well done. The movie is just as good as the book if not better!