tvb的侦探剧越来越没技术含量了,居然到了要借助通灵的地步,sigh。。。最大的感叹,曾华倩还是很漂亮,可惜鱼尾纹和颈纹出卖了年龄,sigh ag。。。最大的发现,法医皮埃尔很帅,不过完全没想到最后会跟了花痴美人,sigh ag & ag。。。
I have to admit that I got a wired taste of English speaking, especially American accent speaking full of crab movie, not shame of my getting all the stupid feeling its saying. Each one has his vulnerability and still have someone they wanna protect. Mess but touching.
虽然还是同第一部差不多的配方,但拿着三条命当儿戏的各种作死和违和的亚洲飞贼角色实在让人有点反感。只是到最后的那句“Getting old is a gift”,在今年惋叹了那么多的“英年早逝”后,突然就毫无预兆的击中内心…