本该是全场热热闹闹在爆米花的咀嚼声里发出一阵阵爆笑和偷偷抹泪的合家欢电影 周末场的厅里却只有稀稀拉拉不到十个人 爆笑都显得过分孤寂 很高兴在屏幕里再次见到香港T T 印象最深的是王菀之的拒绝求婚:我为最爱的人做饭时已经完全不需要爱人了 祖母做佣人 母亲做包餐 我真的不想再做了 还有以一己之力立住虚幻人设的喵喵
mid asf… at first it’s weird but at least funny and later on it just keeps getting more boring and preachy. blah blah colonialism feminism capitalism exploitation social inequality privileged classes blah blah. yeah we all know humanity sucks the world isn’t fair but the storytelling and execution is still bad. absolutely HATE the yellow filter.