2.0欧玛瑞·哈德威克,娜图里·劳顿,约瑟夫·斯科拉,亚当·胡斯,露西·沃特斯,50分,大卫·弗莫洛,凯瑟琳·纳杜奇 Kathrine Narducci,弗兰基·G Franky G,维克多·加博 Victor Garber,恩里克·穆西安诺 Enrique Murciano,卢卡斯·萨尔瓦尼奥 Lucas Salvagno,伊丽莎白·罗德里格斯,黛比·摩根,索尼亚·瓦格尔,杰米·埃克托,尚恩·约翰逊,J·R·拉米雷斯,拉拉·瓦斯奎兹,Vinicius Machado,Jerrell Lee
感覺又看了遍失常 / 這種活著活著就不想活了的類型片一定會很快興盛起來 / 普萊蒙好像提喻法裡的霍夫曼/ Jake the Obscure/ 可能跟電影關係不大 抄anti-oedipus幾段話: “if desire is the lack of the real object, its very nature as a real entity depends upon an 'essence of lack' that produces the fantasized object” "there were a dreamed-of object behind every real object" "it's difficult for a child to