10.0科林·费尔斯,托妮·科莱特,迈克尔·斯图巴,帕克·波西,朱丽叶·比诺什,戴恩·德哈恩,奥利维亚·德容格,帕特里克·施瓦辛格,苏菲·特纳,奥黛莎·杨,罗丝玛丽·德薇特,蒂姆·金尼,凯文·塞兹摩尔,贾斯蒂斯·利克,科里·斯科特·艾伦,罗伯特•克莱顿,乔尔·麦金农·米勒,翠尼·阿瓦拉多,库伦·莫斯,特瑞·韦伯,苏珊·波尔法,杰森·戴维斯,弗兰克·费斯,Paul Vincent Freeman,玛丽亚·迪齐亚,威廉·格雷戈里·李,小詹姆斯·希利,伊恩·格雷格,Hannah Pniewski,Vincent Ver
4.5 wow this is so much better than S1. Turns out if you do the opposite of S1, not pre-determined to do simpleton allegory, not write ridiculous cardboard cutout characters but complex, nuanced ones, not let characters say every single thought out loud, not overuse the same non-diegetic music to cover up your lack of tension or comedic effect, you make a pretty damn good tv show!