Terri Abney,Emonjay Brown,Shinda Burrell,Belle Louise Conrad,Cecil Elmore Jr.,Duane Finley,卡尔·吉丽亚德 Carl Gilliard,卡里姆·J.格里梅斯,Iyana Halley,Clayton Haymes,Jasmine Hill,诺曼·詹森·朱尼尔,William L. Johnson,Amanda Jones
深奥的简洁;Living on a wall where everything is so simple for 19 days. we were going to miss this experience. 这电影和和#有熊谷守在的地方#一脉相承异曲同工心意相通,一个极静,一个极动,一个方寸之间,一个缝隙之处,行行出状元,各行业最顶尖的心性都是艺术,最高的艺术境界意味着每个人只能以自己特有的方式全身心的投入:Focus and objective, breathe and practice, dream big and do small. Somebody less gracious than Tommy Cidwoll might have said, "I've got to go on without you". but he was committed to Kevin" we're doing this together" . And he wouldn't have been Tommy if he'd done it any other way. You have to do in your own way. you have to live in your own way. This is it, this makes you special.