7.0奥兰多·布鲁姆,丽莉·吉欧,塔拉吉·P·汉森,罗伯·莫洛,迈克尔·佩纳,特洛伊·格雷提,韦德·威廉姆斯,莫尼克·加布里埃拉·库尔内,埃文·彼得斯,Sorel Carradine,Gary Carlos Cervantes,Jean St. James,Jason Axinn,Ken Bhan,Elaine Carroll
Body horror is the metaphor for visual pleasure. A critical reflection on where our species are heading if giving no limit to our exploitation of pleasure. However the film itself didn’t escape the fate of being part of the process, and me as the audience who already sat down, had no option of rejecting my role as the consumer of such content.
brainy and over sensitive
墨西哥乡村绑架案,有burn alive的镜头蛮震撼,但叙事极为琐碎,有一些镜头非常惊艳,但大部分使用不当让人看着恼火,给women power 的主题加一星吧