"It's so fucking good",我这样的粗人其实并不在意食物是如何制作以及它好吃在哪里,好吃就完事了,这是我看过的最对我味儿的美食纪录片了。The thoughtful takes on his immigrant experience & rebellious commitment to rejecting purity within food culture are David Chang's best moments. 对不起陈晓卿,我觉得一旦失去了讨论很多话题的土壤,美食纪录片就只能在那儿营造文化氛围,容易陷入authenticity的陷阱,which is pretty boring to me.
3.8 so much tenderness! It’s funny how it’s the second older white woman x young black man pairing movie within the recent year.