With all the talk of moms and grandmas, it'd be five star perfect if they addressed the domestic/professional gender dynamics in cooking too, along with everything else covered (race, immigration, class, culture, "authenticity")
“The only valuable thing my dad left with me is pain, and you are going to take that away from me?” “Yes.” F***,我又碎了。现在想想骨头依然隐隐作痛,希亚拉博夫自我疗愈的方式竟然是扮演伤害他最深的父亲,受害者扮演加害者真的不会痛吗,他幻想父亲别过头来轻声说“I truly love you.”的时候该有多痛呢,我又会有多痛呢?我一定要被迫原谅吗,长大就要被迫去原谅吗?我能不去原谅吗?(我又开始胡言乱语自我代入了)