I have to admit that I got a wired taste of English speaking, especially American accent speaking full of crab movie, not shame of my getting all the stupid feeling its saying. Each one has his vulnerability and still have someone they wanna protect. Mess but touching.
这是一部看起来比较“费劲”的电影,女主的表演真是“出神入化”,值得获奖与夸赞,但是编导虚构的这位女强人在事业与道德之间的极端反差,以及许多不讲清来因去脉之非常规叙述,着实让人看得辛苦。在当今Me Too 运动席卷全球潮流中,反其道而行之,虚构出这么一位“大女子主义”劣迹者之悲剧,让我竟然联想到国内那个被判13年的劣迹艺人,职业和道德能够完全隔开吗?