Absent father and traumatized honey boy. All he wanted was love, but pain was all he got. The pain you got equals the pain you endure walking out from it. Stella performances. Conflicts between characters were powerful and engaging, the film could end in a better way tho. Some nice night shots there. Also, FKA Twigs was so beautiful in it!
战斗力崩坏,打野兽我唯唯诺诺,揍活人我重拳出击?剧情结构复制第一部,高潮戏可评为年度最烂高潮。复古流行乐配打斗真是一股妖风啊。但好在几位主演的表演很有意思,即使是如此俗套的剧情还是找到了一点乐趣。爆米花嘛毕竟,图一乐。(大陆版用中文歌作片尾曲,但是这也太口水了吧,自以为很酷,疯狂let it go、come on、yeah~现在的中文歌手只会这几句英文吗?)