电影用一个倒叙结构对两个故事进行描述,爱、语言和泪水充盈着整部片子。片名once upon a life意指我曾经拥有过一个人生,然后全片都在描述患者的人生,倒放的海浪是叙事结构,绚烂的烟花是每个人的一生。最让我感动的一句话是刚生下孩子的妈妈对儿子的祝愿是“小安,我希望他一生平平安安就好”。对身边人的爱是我们每个人存在的意义,看完电影后意识到这一点,这电影就没白看吧。
Body horror is the metaphor for visual pleasure. A critical reflection on where our species are heading if giving no limit to our exploitation of pleasure. However the film itself didn’t escape the fate of being part of the process, and me as the audience who already sat down, had no option of rejecting my role as the consumer of such content.