3.0Kaye Tuckerman,莱克茜· 约翰逊,安娜·克鲁格,楚克武迪·武吉,奥黛丽·格蕾丝·马歇尔,杰弗里·坎特尔,Cade Tropeano,Debra Lord Cooke,阿曼达·奎德,Amy Russ,Ned Van Zandt,Eddie Beveridge,黛博拉·安格,Andie Stanek,Robert Michael Johnson,雅各布·伊吉尔斯基
This season focus on the tough and bitter sour hardcore Brit farmers life. being a celeb, Jeremy still needs to work his arse off to get everything all right. however backfire never dies when you're in a xenophobic county. less joy than last season. more sarcasm to the ridiculous govermental procedures.(that delaying AI phone call is universal!!
比较莫名其妙……但是熟悉的颜一个接一个出现还是很开心 超杀女 Queen S Eddie 风景也美 还有bob dylan的音乐 American folk味道十足 :D