整部电影的基调很不喜欢:需要去军队来成为一个“完整”的人。尤其是最后,主角母亲不接受他的性向但军队接受了… 虽然细节上展现了国家机器和个人之间的张力,但总体还是有点imperialism。但是一星给导演映后说的那句:military is where those who experience the failure of the American dreams are pushed to. 有这句话这部电影可供思考的空间就大了很多了。
一场闹剧。鹿结婚时落跑,借口要救宠物狗腊肠,熊、鸭子、松鼠、刺猬一起大闹宠物乐园,打败了公狗菲菲。腊肠选择回去主人怀抱。鹿举办盛大的婚礼。片尾共唱close to you
堪破世情惊破胆,了透世事寒透心! 不在于爬得多高,而在于走得多远。
Human in general have a tremendous capacity for suffering, as long as it is for something. All western religions are more or less based on this concept. However, they are wholly unable to accept meaningless suffering, which is the only kind in this world.