Body horror is the metaphor for visual pleasure. A critical reflection on where our species are heading if giving no limit to our exploitation of pleasure. However the film itself didn’t escape the fate of being part of the process, and me as the audience who already sat down, had no option of rejecting my role as the consumer of such content.
近年来看得最烧脑的剧,第一季看似分散缓慢的剧情到第二季全面展开。各种政治力量在先分散后集中的悬疑背景下描述魏玛共和国众生相。第三帝国的诞生是必然性和偶然性的统一,各种流行于20世纪早期的德国的心理学实践也为本剧增添了很多历史真实感。arm, aber sexy的柏林,尘归尘,土归土 (zu Asche, zu Staub).