感觉被诈骗了……整部电影都和女性主义没什么关系,将顺直白男的思维模式搬到les身上别扭得看不下去,含沙射影把metoo运动加害人换成女性更皱眉头。不知道拍这种女性化男凝的意图是什么,女性必须想得像男人穿得像男人完全act like a man才能站在顶峰?我想不明白。分数打在干净的画面和cate的表演上,拿捏这个角色对她来说应该十分轻松,和她对戏的任何人都会轻易被她的光彩盖住。
i love their attitude to their right now. Big things doesnt happen when you plan it all good it just go with your feelings and your kindness. take others as a human. great performance to the couple and the son... go find my next frog.....one in a week...i hope