在探讨孤独的“极限”这方面做得比书好很多,把一些血腥暴力的镜头换成了柔美的隐喻。As someone pathetic who deals with loneliness every single day I can resonate with Jake well. 如果那天问她要了电话会怎么样?她很快就会发现我的无趣,无能,暴躁。她是谁不重要,不管哪个她都不会给我留电话,不管怎样我都会把事情搞砸。她会厌倦我,想逃离我,因为我先痛恨自己,我的心里永远刮着暴风雪,我能伤害的只剩下自己。父母家的时间交错是最亮点,结尾众人瞩目下的歌是悲观者眼里的败笔
"The reason everyone is telling you it's not the end world is because it's not the end of THEIR world. They don't have to figure out how to live inside a world that's over. You do. "